Saturday, April 05, 2008

Baseball Season!!!

Ah, fresh spring air! Looking around the house for misplaced baseball hats, running back and forth between the diamond and the playground, embracing the dirt on the mounds (and the children) near the field....take me out to the ball game!

We had a lovely first day back - D. is pitching this year and is very proud. Struck a couple of kids out, (hit one with the ball), got an RBI today, and made the last play to win the game. Not bad for an 8 year old.

This on the heels of seeing Joe Jackson last night, which was a delightful lullaby in itself. His music was just delicious - piano, bass, drums, and his voice. Almost minimal ingredients.

So, what does Joe Jackson have to do with baseball? I guess nothing. Just all good stuff. :)