Wednesday, April 25, 2007

George Was Right

.....No, not Dubya.

Dr. George, my chiropractor and friend. He told me that nothing urgent was wrong w/ my back, that he righted everything that was out, and that it was probably move-related stress. I gave him the skeptical raised eyebrow and relented. "Hmph, we'll see, George," I thought.

About 10 minutes later, driving back home, I called his office to say he was right. I felt pretty good.

This has been such a crazy week. Jason has packed most of the house but has drawn the line with my personal items, clothes, workstation, and things of mine in the storage closets. I have been working, shuttling kids, bike riding with kids, working, sleeping, and doing it all again the next day. I'm too tired to pack at the end of the day. How will it ever get done, I wonder.

But, I bet George would say it will all work out. It has to: Saturday is the move day.

I wonder if George is free on Friday night to help me pack.


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