Tuesday, September 18, 2007

On Becoming Senator Craig

So....the most hilarious thing you'll likely read today:
I have been lurking undercover online on a gay men's site under an anonymous name (hence the "undercover" part). Why? Because my best friend went "missing" somewhere between PA/DE/NJ and Las Vegas, and I wanted to keep tabs on him.
My alias was Dr. Stevens - a 48 year old, greying, fit doctor (with a photo of a tan, shirtless man taken from the back, jogging through the desert - thank you Yahoo! images); and I tried to lure my BFF (and former boyfriend, who eventually became the maid of honor at my wedding and "aunt" to my children) with an invitation to drinks, etc.
Oh, who's kidding who here? "Drinks, etc." on a gay men's hook up site = sex.
Yeah, for some reason, I was declined. (Still can't figure that one out - this jogger is a hottie from the back - and doctor - no brainer, right?)
Anyway, and I'll get to the funny part - my BFF is now safely back on the east coast, and I finally "came clean" and "outed" myself to him today. I told him my alias and sent him the link. Needless to say, we had some laughs!
But the funny part, which is also a bit Freudian - think about it, Grey's Anatomy fans:
Dr. Stevens.
Dr. Isabel Stevens.
"Izzie" Stevens
No, wait: "Is he?" Stevens!
(I crack myself up.)
But the funniest part - the funniest part:
I just told my husband tonight about how this all went down.
And he asked me, "Are you going to start tapping your foot in the men's bathroom now and go all Senator Craig on unsuspecting men?"
You know....it could happen.
(Maybe I'll need to get some hospital business cards printed up, too, for when I wave my hand under the stall.)


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